Hardiness zone 8 – plant that can grow or need this hardiness zone for the cold temperature, although it’s provided only the zone number it’s divided for two different low temperature A and B, it will be written in the plant if it’s will be A or B and if it’s not written it’s both, if A mentioned it’s mean for the hottest pick point that the plant can’t survive hotter that this temperature and if B mentioned it’s mean for the coldest pick point and can’t survive colder that this temperature, it’s not accurate because each zone range of temperature.

Hardiness zone 8 – plants that can grow as perennial but in order to give all the information it’s also plants that can grow as annual, because not all annuals plants can grow in all the hardiness zones.
Some plants require cold temperature, plants that require cold temperature can be in order to: bloom, bear fruits, germinate, grow or just to survive. Other plant only survive in this temperature but actually prefers hotter temperature and can survive small amount of low temperature. also need to know that there are other parameters that need to be consider before growing plants like: light hours, light exposure, soil, heat, amount of water and much more.

Hardiness zone 8 temperature

A −12.2 °C (10 °F) −9.4 °C (15 °F)
B −9.4 °C (15 °F) −6.7 °C (20 °F)

List of plant that can grow Hardiness zone 8
