Pterocephalus perennis growing herbaceous succulent of the genus Pterocephalus also known as Pincushion Flower, Pterocephalus perennis perennial evergreen plant, used as ornamental plant attract pollinators and groundcover plant, can grow in mediterranean, subtropical, temperate climate and growing in hardiness zone 7-10a.
Leaves color green fleshy in spoon shape with dental margin.
Pterocephalus perennis flower
Flower color pink or purple in bell shape, flower small and grow inflorescences in umbrella shape.
Pterocephalus perennis for sale – Seeds or Plants to Buy
How to grow Pterocephalus perennis – growing and care:
Well-drained soil
What is the best way to start growing?
Plant / Seed / Vegetative reproduction bending a branch over and covering it with soil, better to let the roots grow cut the connection from the mother plant, after disconnect let it 2 weeks and check that the new plant grow new leaves, cutting – two option one to put the stem in water without leaves in the water only in the top or put the stem in soil keep the soil moist don’t let it dry with high humidity
Is it necessary to use vegetative reproduction?
Difficulties or problems when growing:
Might be invasive
Planting season:
Spring / Summer / Autumn
Pests and diseases:
Pruning season:
Autumn / Winter
How to prune:
Dead parts
Size of the plant:
5-15cm, 2-6 inches
Growth speed in optimal condition:
Medium growing / Slow growing
Water requirement:
Average amount of water
Light conditions in optimal condition for growing:
Full sun
Is it possible to grow as houseplant?
Growing is also possible in a pot / planter /flowerpot / containers:
Yes, start with container that bigger than the plant at least 30-50%, need to switch the container to bigger when root ball over grow the container, better to switch in the winter, when the plant arrive to the desirable size of container need to switch the soil once in a few years by new soil, possible if it’s small container switch all and cut some roots and prune the plant, except this need to pull old plants after having flowers, better to use potting mix or peat soil with perlite, mix it with hummus and organic matter, use chopped mulch to keep the soil moist, let the bottom of the pot fill in water but dry in the same day.
Blooming information
Bloom season?
Late spring to summer to autumn
General information about the flower:
Bell small pink flowers that connected together in inflorescences in umbrella shape
How to grow Pterocephalus perennis from seeds
Sowing requirement:
Full sun, moist soil, 16-21C (60-70F)
Saving seeds and care until sowing:
Better to keep the seeds in refrigerator possible with peat soil or just in a paper bag
Sowing season:
Spring or autumn, better to sow the seeds fresh it’s in the autumn than they get the winter cold, in hotter climate in hardiness zone 10a better to plant it in the autumn
Planting spacing:
20*20cm (8*8 inches)
Depth of Sowing:
1-2cm (0.5-1 inch)
Conditions for seeds germinate:
Moist soil don’t let it dry
Watering requires for Seeds:
Average amount of water / Big amount of water
Germination time:
In the spring 4-8 weeks in the autumn usually will germinate in the early spring
Condition of seedling:
Moist soil, not too much hot
Do the seeds require burying?
Yes, conditions to bury can be direct in the soil but in hotter area better to put in the coldest location of the refrigerator
Chilling hour’s requirements:
At least one month
Scientific name:
Pterocephalus perennis
Alternative names: Perocephalus
Blooming Seasons |
Flower colors |
Climate |
Ornamental parts |
Plant growing speed |
Plant life-form |
Plant Uses |
Planting Season |
Plants sun exposure |
Watering plants |
Hardiness zone |