Potato plant grow and care – herbaceous geophyte of the genus Solanum, Potato plant is perennial plant evergreen to deciduous plant, can grow in mediterranean, desert, subtropical, temperate, tropic climate and growing in hardiness zone 2+
Flower color is purple with yellow stamens grow in cluster.
Potato plant tubers
Tubers color can be: yellow, white, blue, purple and more, the peel mostly in the same color with darker brownish color tone, size can be from 1 to 20 cm.
Potato plant for sale – Seeds or Plants to Buy
How to grow Potato plant growing and care:
Mulch, rich soil, well-drained soil, airy soil, slightly acid soil
What is the best way to start growing?
Plant / Seed / Vegetative Reproduction
Is it necessary or use vegetative reproduction in Potato plant?
Yes, but today private grower prefers to use seeds to get new verities
Difficulties or problems when growing:
Attract a lot of pests
Planting season:
Frost free autumn, winter, cold climate spring
Pests and diseases:
Phytophthora infestans, Potato plant leafroll virus, Potato plant beetle
Pruning season:
All year
How to prune:
No need to prune
Size of the plant?
40-60 cm, 16-24 inches
Growth speed in optimal condition:
Fast growing / Medium growing
Water requirement:
Average amount of water / Big amount of water
Light conditions in optimal condition for growing:
Full Sun
Is it possible to grow indoor as houseplant?
Growing is also possible in a planter /flowerpot / containers:
Blooming information
Bloom season:
General information about the flower
Purple flower with yellow stamens grow in cluster
Pollination is done by:
Edible Roots
Information about Potato plant tuber:
Tubers color can be: yellow, white, blue, purple and more, the peel mostly in the same color with darker brownish color tone, size can be from 1 to 20 cm
When to pull up Potato plant’s tuber:
Autumn / Winter
Uses of Potato plant tuber:
Cooked, baked and more
Scientific name:
Solanum tuberosum
Blooming Seasons |
Edible Parts |
Culinary uses |
Flower colors |
Climate |
Harvest Season |
Plant growing speed |
Plant life-form |
Plant Uses |
Planting Season |
Plants sun exposure |
Watering plants |
Hardiness zone |