Iresine grow and care – shrub of the genus Iresine also known as Bloodleaf or Chicken gizzard plant, Iresine perennial evergreen and also grow as annual in cold climate, can be used for the edible leaves but used mostly as ornamental plant for the colored leaves, can grow in tropic, mediterranean, subtropics or temperate climate or indoor as houseplant and growing in hardiness zone: 10b+ as perennial, 4+ as annual, in hardiness zone 10a possible to grow with the right overwinter care.
Iresine flowers and edible leaves
Leaves are edible, color of the leaves can be: purple, red, bordeaux, green, orange or yellow.
Flower color white inflorescence grows on stalk.
Iresine for sale – Seeds or Plants to Buy
How to grow Iresine for growing condition and care:
Moist, rich soil, hot weather better more than 0C (32F)
How to care:
Fertilizer at least once a year, better to prune one a year, add organic matter and humus
What is the best way to start growing:
Seedling / Seed (explanation bellow) / Vegetative reproduction
How to propagate:
Propagation by cutting possible by water or use soil, in both need high humidity,
Is it necessary to graft or use vegetative reproduction?
No, but easier to start by cutting and can ensure the color of the leaves
Difficulties/Problems with growing:
Planting season:
Spring as annual, spring in hardiness zone 10a, spring to summer in hardiness zone 10b, spring to autumn in hardiness zone 11, all year in hardiness zone 12+.
Pests and diseases:
Aphids, mealy bugs
Pruning season:
All year, but in hardiness zone 10-11a better in autumn to winter
How to prune:
Recommend to prune the flowers not significant, fir design and dead oart
Size of the plant:
0.5-1 m, 20-40 inches
Growth speed in optimal condition:
Fast growing / Medium growing
Irrigation water management requirement:
Average amount of water
Light conditions in optimal condition for growing:
Full Sun (in hardiness zone 10 highly recommend) / Half shade – good for desert and places with very hot summer / Full shade – can grow but without enough light
Is it possible to grow indoor as houseplant?
Yes, indoor care require a lot of light
Growing is also possible in a pot / planter /flowerpot / containers:
Yes, when grow in container as perennial need to switch every few years the soil, (when the soil doesn’t absorb the water well), size better to be 8-18 liter (2-5 gallon), require average amount of water, it’s to keep the soil moist consider to put mulch and can reduce vaporization of the water, need to take care that the soil well ventilated with good drainage, rich with organic matter, can use in potting mix or peat soil with perlite or vermiculite.
Blooming information
When does flowers bloom?
General information about the flower
White small flowers, inflorescence stalk
Thinning / Deadheading of the blossom:
Recommend to thinning
Pollination is done by:
Edible leaves
When to trim the leaves?
All year in tropic in cold climate spring-autumn
How to trim the leaves?
Cut the stems or just leaves from the base
Information about leaves:
Oval, the leaves color can be: orange, yellow, red, purple, blue, pink
Uses of Iresine leaves:
Eaten raw, salad, stir fry, cooked
How to grow Iresine from seeds
Sowing requirement:
Temperature ~25 (77F), moist soil and high humidity
Saving and care seeds until sowing:
Dark and dry location
Sowing season:
Spring as annual or in hardiness zone of 10a, spring to summer in hardiness zone of 10b to 11, but if summer is too much hot better in spring, and all the year in hardiness zone 12+
How to plant:
Planting in moist soil better in vermiculite or other soil that keep moist and release it
Planting spacing:
20*30cm, 8*12 inches
Depth of Sowing:
0.5-1cm (0.25-0.5 inch)
Conditions for seeds germinate:
Moist soil, high humidity, morning sun
Watering requires for Seeds:
Average amount of water / Big amount of water
Germination time:
2-6 week
Condition of seedling:
Moist soil, put mulch in order to keep the moist, high humidity
Purple lady – foliage is color dark burgundy to purple – can grow up to 40cm (16 inches) height with a spread of 55 to 75cm (22 to 30inches)
Iresine blazin rose – Flowers color is white or green. Can grow up to 45 to 70cm (18 to 28 inches) height with a spread of 40 to 50cm (16 to 20 inches). Leaves color is bright dark purple with reddish veins.
Green blood leaf – Can reach 30 to 45cm (12 to 18 inches) when mature. Flowers are white-green.
Iresine herbstii – Flowers color is white. Color of the leaves can be: purple, red, bordeaux, green. The plant can reach 0.5 to1m (20 to 40 inches) when mature.
Iresine cherry – Leaves color is glossy deep maroon. Foliage is evergreen. Flowers are white. The plant can reach 50 to9cm (20 to 35 inches) when mature with a spread of 30 to 60cm (12 to 24 inches).
Scientific name:
Blooming Seasons |
Edible Parts |
Culinary uses |
Flower colors |
Climate |
Harvest Season |
Leaf color |
Plant growing speed |
Plant life-form |
Plant Uses |
Planting Season |
Plants sun exposure |
Watering plants |
Hardiness zone |