Winter Harvest – list of plants that the winter it’s the season to harvest them, but in some plants yield also in other season, it is possible to harvest them not only in winter season, for all the Harvest Season
List of plant that can be Harvest in Winter
- Abelmoschus manihot
- Acai palm
- Achillea filipendulina
- Achillea plant
- Acmella oleracea
- Agave americana
- Agave americana Marginata
- Agave americana Mediopicta
- Agave americana Mediopicta alba
- Agave americana Mediopicta aurea
- Agave americana opal
- Agave americana picta
- Agave americana prezzo
- Agave americana striata
- Agave americana Variegata
- Agave plant
- Agave shrevei
- Agave tequilana weber
- Alcea rosea
- Allium ursinum
- Allspice
- Aloe vera plant
- Alpine strawberry
- Alpinia zerumbet
- Alternanthera bettzickiana
- Alternanthera dentata
- Alternanthera ficoidea
- Alternanthera plant
- Amorphophallus konjac
- Angelica archangelica
- Apple mint plant
- Arbutus andrachne
- Arbutus Marina
- Arbutus unedo
- Artemisia absinthium
- Artemisia arborescens
- Artemisia vulgaris
- Arugula
- Atriplex halimus
- Avocado tree
- Babaco
- Bael
- Banana tree
- Beefsteak tomato plant
- Beet
- Beetroot
- Belgian endive
- Bell pepper
- Bergamot orange tree
- Bitter orange tree
- Black Pearl pepper
- Black pepper
- Black radish
- Black sapote
- Blood orange tree
- Blue agave plant
- Blue tomato plant
- Bok choy
- Brazilian spinach
- Breadfruit
- Broccoli plant
- Broccoli rabe
- Broccolini
- Brussels sprout
- Buddha’s hand plant
- Cabbage plant
- Calamansi tree
- Calamondin tree
- Capsicum annuum
- Capsicum baccatum
- Capsicum chinense
- Capsicum frutescens
- Capsicum pubescens
- Carambola
- Carica quercifolia
- Carpobrotus
- Carpobrotus acinaciformis
- Carpobrotus aequilaterus
- Carpobrotus Aussie rambler
- Carpobrotus chilensis
- Carpobrotus deliciosus
- Carpobrotus dimidiatus
- Carpobrotus edulis
- Carpobrotus glaucescens
- Carpobrotus modestus
- Carpobrotus quadrifidus
- Carpobrotus rossii
- Carpobrotus virescens
- Carrot plant
- Cashew tree
- Cassava plant
- Cauliflower plant
- Cayenne pepper
- Celery plant
- Centaurea cyanus
- Chamomile plant
- Chard plant
- Chayote plant
- Cherry tomato plant
- Chinese broccoli
- Chinese cabbage
- Chives plant
- Chocolate Mint plant
- Choy sum
- Cilantro plant
- Cinnamomum burmannii
- Cinnamomum camphora
- Cinnamomum cassia
- Cinnamomum iners
- Cinnamomum tamala
- Cinnamomum verum
- Cinnamon basil
- Cinnamon tree
- Citron tree
- Clementine tree
- Cocoa tree
- Coconut palm
- Collard greens
- Cottonwood hibiscus
- Creeping thyme
- Cress plant
- Crithmum maritimum
- Curly endive
- Curly Kale
- Curry plant
- Curry tree
- Cyclamen persicum
- Daikon
- Dandelion
- Daubenton Kale
- Dill plant
- Durian
- Eggplant plant
- Endive plant
- Eruca sativa
- Fava bean plant
- Fennel plant
- Fenugreek plant
- Fingerroot plant
- Firecracker plant
- Fragaria alexandria
- Fragaria chiloensis
- Galangal
- Garlic chives
- Garlic plant
- Ghost Pepper
- Gin berry
- Ginger root
- Globe thistle
- Golden oregano
- Grapefruit tree
- Green cardamom
- Green tomato plant
- Gunnera
- Gustavia superba
- Habanero
- Hibiscus coccineus
- Hibiscus rosa sinensis
- Hollyhock
- Holy basil
- Horseradish
- Hosta lancifolia
- Hosta plant
- Hosta plantaginea
- Hosta sieboldiana
- Hosta tardiana
- Hosta undulata albomarginata
- Hybrid tea rose
- Hyssopus officinalis
- Ipomoea batatas Blackie
- Ipomoea batatas Marguerite
- Ipomoea cairica
- Iresine
- Jabuticaba
- Jackfruit tree
- Jalapeno
- Jamaican cherry
- Jerusalem artichoke
- Kaffir lime tree
- Kale
- Key lime tree
- Kohlrabi
- Kola nut
- Kudzu
- Kumquat tree
- Lacinato Kale
- Laurus nobilis
- Lavandula angustifolia
- Lavandula pinnata
- Lavender plant
- Leek plant
- Lemon balm
- Lemon basil
- Lemon Guava
- Lemon thyme
- Lemon tree plant
- Lemon verbena
- Lemongrass
- Lettuce Italienischer
- Lettuce plant
- Licorice basil
- Lime tree
- Limequat tree
- Lovage
- Lucuma tree
- Luffa plant
- Malabar spinach
- Malva nicaeensis
- Malva sylvestris
- Mamey sapote
- Mandarin tree
- Mangelwurzel
- Marjoram
- Marula tree
- Mashua
- Meiwa kumquat
- Mentha aquatica
- Mentha arvensis
- Mentha canadensis
- Mentha longifolia
- Mentha requienii
- Mentha smithiana
- Mexican tarragon
- Meyer lemon tree
- Micromeria thymifolia
- Milk thistle
- Mint plant
- Miracle fruit plant
- Mizuna
- Monkey cocoa
- Monkey orange tree
- Moriche palm
- Mung bean plant
- Mustard greens
- Mustard plant
- Myrtus communis
- Nagami kumquat
- Napa cabbage
- Naranjilla
- New Zealand spinach
- Noni tree
- Nopal
- Ocimum gratissimum
- Oenothera biennis
- Okra
- Olive tree
- Onion plant
- Orange tomato plant
- Orange tree
- Orangequat
- Oregano plant
- Origanum dictamnus
- Origanum onites
- Oroblanco tree
- Oxalis bowiei
- Oxalis pes-caprae
- Oxalis plant
- Pansy
- Papaya tree
- Parsley plant
- Passiflora caerulea
- Passiflora galbana
- Passiflora ligularis
- Passiflora mollissima
- Passion fruit
- Patchouli plant
- Pea plant
- Pelargonium crispum
- Pelargonium graveolens
- Pelargonium Prince Rupert
- Pepper plant
- Peppermint plant
- Persian lime tree
- Phoenix rupicola
- Pineapple plant
- Pineapple sage
- Pink tomato plant
- Piper retrofractum
- Pomelo tree
- Poncirus trifoliata
- Ponderosa lemon tree
- Portulaca oleracea
- Portulaca umbraticola
- Potato plant
- Purple mangosteen tree
- Purple tomato plant
- Purple tomato plant
- Radicchio plant
- Radish plant
- Red cabbage
- Red mustard
- Red radish plant
- Redbor Kale
- Rheum palmatum
- Rhubarb plant
- Roman chamomile
- Romanesco
- Rose double delight
- Roselle plant
- Rosemary plant
- Rumex alpinus
- Rumex crispus
- Rumex patientia
- Rumex sanguineus
- Rumex vesicarius
- Runner bean
- Russian Kale
- Ruta chalepensis
- Ruta graveolens
- Saffron plant
- Salad burnet
- Salak plant
- Salicornia europaea
- Saltbush
- Salvia fruticosa
- Salvia hispanica plant
- Salvia officinalis
- Salvia officinalis Icterina
- Salvia officinalis purpurea
- Satsuma orange
- Savory plant
- Savoy cabbage
- Scallion
- Scorzonera hispanica
- Sea beet
- Sea kale
- Shallot
- Shampoo Ginger
- Siberian Kale
- Small radish
- Snap pea
- Snow pea
- Sorrel plant
- Spearmint plant
- Spinach plant
- Stevia plant
- Strawberry plant
- Strawberry Spinach
- Stuffer tomato plant
- Sugar beet
- Sugarcane
- Sweet alyssum
- Sweet lime tree
- Sweet onion
- Sweet pepper
- Sweet potato
- Tabasco pepper
- Tagetes lemmonii
- Tagetes minuta
- Tangelo tree
- Tangerine tree
- Tarragon
- Tatsoi
- Tea plant
- Terminalia catappa
- Thai basil
- Theobroma bicolor
- Thyme plant
- Thymus capitatus
- Thymus polytrichus
- Thymus praecox
- Thymus pulegioides
- Thymus serpyllum
- Thymus vulgaris
- Tomatillo
- Tomato plant
- Tomato tree
- Tropaeolum majus
- Tulbaghia violacea
- Turnip plant
- Ugli fruit tree
- Urtica dioica
- Vanilla planifolia
- Viola hederacea
- Viola odorata
- Viola tricolor
- Walking onions
- Walking stick kale
- Wasabia japonica
- Water spinach
- Watercress
- Watermelon radish
- White cabbage
- White Sapote
- White tomato plant
- White-leaved Savory
- Wild cabbage
- Winged bean
- Winter savory
- Yarrow
- Yellow tomato plant
- Zaatar