Passiflora ligularis grow and care – vine of the genus Passiflora also known as Sweet granadilla or Granadilla, Passiflora ligularis perennial evergreen plant also grow for the edible fruits also as ornamental plant, can be hedge plant, groundcover and can create shade with the right desgin, can grow in tropic, subtropical or mediterranean climate and growing in hardiness zone 10b+ and with the right overwinter care in hardiness zone 10a.
Leaves color is green, the leaves lobed and have 3-5 lobs.
Flower color is white in the middle of the flower next to the stigma it’s purple, flowers look like clock.
Passiflora ligularis fruit
Fruit color is yellow-orange the inner is seeds cover with yellow-orange sweet taste, oval shape in the peel thick and not edible
Passiflora ligularis for sale – Seeds or Plants to Buy
How to grow growing Passiflora ligularis grow condition and care:
How to grow Granadillas:
Trellising, better frost free but can grow in light frost, prefer rich soil, organic matter and add fertilizer 2-4 times a year
What is the best way to start growing:
Plant / Seed / Vegetative Reproduction – cutting possible to put in water and switch the water every few days or put the stem in soil better peat soil and better with root growth hormone, in both cutting methods better to do it in warm season, with high humidity in sunny location
Is it necessary to use vegetative reproduction?
Not hard to start from seeds and also the fruits usually will be the same, but when grow from cutting, it’s grow much faster and it’s ensure the fruits that will be.
Difficulties/Problems with growing:
Aggressive (can kill other plants)
Planting season:
Spring in hardiness zone 10a, spring to summer hardiness zone 10b, spring to autumn in 11, all the year in hardiness zone 12+
How to plant Granadilla:
Dig a hole as deep as the current root ball plus extra 50-100% bigger the plant small the percentage, put in the hole organic matter, hummus and dried leaves and mix it with some soil, put the plant and loos little bit the root ball above the hole, plant and cover it and don’t push the soil too much strong but not too much lightly because it won’t be stable, after this put mulch to keep moist on soil, put water, for the next two weeks put every day (better in the morning) , better to take care that the vine will bamboo or something else to trellising on
Pests and diseases:
Ants, nematodes
Prune season:
Autumn / Winter
How to prune:
Pruning for design, and when the density it’s to high better to reduce that amount of stem if not the fruit might stuck and won’t fall
Size of the plant:
5-40+ m
Growth speed in optimal condition:
Fast growing
Irrigation water management requirement:
Average amount of water / big amount of water
Light conditions in optimal condition for growing:
Full Sun
Is it possible to grow indoor?
Growing is also possible in a planter /flowerpot / containers:
Blooming information
When does flowers bloom?
All year
General information about the flower:
Flower color is white in the middle of the flower next to the stigma it’s purple, flowers look like clock
Pollination is done by:
Edible fruits
When does it yield:
Most of the year
Pests or diseases in Sweet granadilla fruit:
What can be done with big quantities of Passiflora ligularis fruits?
Eat raw, juice, jams
Work requirements on the fruit:
Pick the fruit from the ground
How long does it take to bear fruit?
1-2 years
Passiflora ligularis seeds
Sowing requirement:
Moist soil, humidity above 25C (77F), sunny location
Saving and care seeds until sowing:
Dark and dry place
Sowing season:
Spring to summer
How to plant:
Better to plant in peat soil with vermiculite even if planting directly just dig a bigger hole and put vermiculite around the seeds
Planting spacing:
30*40 cm (12*16 inches)
Depth of Sowing:
2-4cm (0.8-1.7 inch)
Conditions for seeds germinate:
High humidity, moist soil (better sunny location)
Watering requires for Seeds:
Average amount of water / Big amount of water
Germination time:
2-7 weeks
Condition of seedling:
Water regularly and don’t let it dry
Scientific name:
Passiflora ligularis
Blooming Seasons |
Edible Parts |
Culinary uses |
Flower colors |
Climate |
Harvest Season |
Ornamental parts |
Plant growing speed |
Plant life-form |
Plant Uses |
Planting Season |
Plants sun exposure |
Watering plants |
Hardiness zone |