Edible Fruit – list of all the plants that the edible part in those plants is the fruits, but in those plants there might be more edible parts then fruits, for all the Edible Parts
List of edible plants with Edible Fruit
- Acai palm
- Acerola cherry
- Acorn squash plant
- Akebia plant
- Allspice
- Alpine strawberry
- Ambarella fruit
- Ambercup squash
- Ananas bracteatus
- Anna Apple tree
- Annona
- Apple tree
- Apricot tree
- Arbutus andrachne
- Arbutus Marina
- Arbutus unedo
- Armenian cucumber
- Aronia arbutifolia
- Aronia berry plant
- Aronia melanocarpa
- Aronia prunifolia
- Asian pear tree
- Atemoya tree
- Atherton Raspberry
- Autumn olive
- Avocado tree
- Babaco
- Bael
- Banana tree
- Beefsteak tomato
- Bell pepper
- Berberis microphylla
- Berchemia discolor
- Berchemia racemosa
- Bergamot orange tree
- Bignay tree
- Bilberry plant
- Biriba
- Bitter melon
- Bitter orange tree
- Black currant plant
- Black Pearl pepper
- Black pepper
- Black raspberry
- Black sapote
- Blackberry plant
- Blood orange tree
- Blue raspberry
- Blue tomato
- Blueberry Highbush
- Blueberry lowbush
- Blueberry plant
- Bottle gourd
- Boysenberry plant
- Breadfruit
- Buddha’s hand plant
- Butia capitata
- Butternut squash plant
- Caigua
- Calamansi tree
- Calamondin tree
- Camu camu plant
- Canary melon plant
- Canistel
- Cape gooseberry
- Capsicum annuum
- Capsicum baccatum
- Capsicum chinense
- Capsicum frutescens
- Capsicum pubescens
- Capulin cherry
- Carambola
- Caraway plant
- Carica quercifolia
- Carpobrotus
- Carpobrotus acinaciformis
- Carpobrotus aequilaterus
- Carpobrotus Aussie rambler
- Carpobrotus chilensis
- Carpobrotus deliciosus
- Carpobrotus dimidiatus
- Carpobrotus edulis
- Carpobrotus glaucescens
- Carpobrotus modestus
- Carpobrotus quadrifidus
- Carpobrotus rossii
- Carpobrotus virescens
- Cashew tree
- Cassia fistula
- Cayenne pepper
- Cereus peruvianus
- Cereus peruvianus monstrose
- Charentais melon
- Chayote plant
- Cherimoya tree
- Cherry plum
- Cherry tomato
- Cherry tree
- Chinese hawthorn
- Chinese mulberry
- Chinese yam
- Citharexylum spinosum
- Citron tree
- Clementine tree
- Cocoa tree
- Coffee plant
- Common bean
- Corn plant
- Crabapple tree
- Cranberry plant
- Crataegus monogyna
- Creeping Raspberry
- Crowberry
- Cucamelon plant
- Cucumber plant
- Cumin plant
- Curry tree
- Cushaw Squash
- Custard apple tree
- Damson plum
- Date palm tree
- Dorman red raspberry
- Doum palm
- Dovyalis hebecarpa
- Dragon fruit plant
- Durian
- Eggplant plant
- Elaeagnus latifolia
- Elderberry
- Eugenia involucrata
- Eugenia reinwardtiana
- Falsa
- Ficus auriculata
- Ficus benjamina
- Ficus sycomorus
- Fig tree
- Finger Lime tree
- Flowering quince
- Fragaria alexandria
- Fragaria chiloensis
- Fragaria moschata
- Fragaria viridis
- Garcinia intermedia
- Garcinia livingstonei
- Gaultheria
- Gaultheria mucronata
- Ghost Pepper
- Gin berry
- Goji berry
- Golden kiwifruit plant
- Golden raspberry
- Gooseberry plant
- Grape vine
- Grapefruit tree
- Green tomato
- Grumichama
- Guanabana
- Guarana
- Gustavia superba
- Habanero
- Hardy kiwi
- Holy bramble
- Hovenia dulcis
- Ice cream bean
- Indian hawthorn
- Isabella grapes
- Jabuticaba
- Jackfruit tree
- Jalapeno
- Jamaican cherry
- Jostaberry
- Jujube tree
- Kabocha squash
- Kaffir lime tree
- Karonda plant
- Kei apple
- Key lime tree
- Kiwano plant
- Kiwi fruit
- Kumquat tree
- Lanzones
- Lemon Guava
- Lemon tree plant
- Lilly Pilly
- Lime tree
- Limequat tree
- Lingonberry
- Loganberry
- Longan
- Lonicera caerulea
- Loquat
- Lucuma tree
- Luffa plant
- Lychee tree
- Malabar spinach
- Malay apple
- Malpighia glabra
- Malus Evereste
- Malus prairie fire
- Malva nicaeensis
- Malva sylvestris
- Mamey sapote
- Mammea americana
- Mamoncillo
- Mandarin tree
- Mango tree
- Marionberry
- Marula tree
- Medlar plant
- Meiwa kumquat
- Melon plant
- Meyer lemon tree
- Miracle fruit
- Mock strawberry
- Monkey cocoa
- Monkey orange tree
- Monstera deliciosa
- Moriche palm
- Moringa oleifera
- Moringa peregrina
- Morus macroura
- Morus nigra
- Mountain soursop
- Mulberry tree
- Muskmelon plant
- Myrtus communis
- Nagami kumquat
- Naranjilla
- Natal plum
- Nectarine tree
- Noni tree
- Nopal
- Ohelo berry plant
- Okra
- Olallieberry
- Olive tree
- Opuntia robusta
- Orange tomato
- Orange tree
- Orangequat
- Oroblanco tree
- Papaya tree
- Paper mulberry
- Passiflora caerulea
- Passiflora galbana
- Passiflora ligularis
- Passiflora mollissima
- Passion fruit
- Pattypan squash
- Pawpaw
- Peach tree
- Peanut Butter Fruit
- Pear tomato
- Pear tree
- Pepino fruit
- Pepper plant
- Persian lime tree
- Persimmon tree
- Peruvian apple cactus
- Phoenix rupicola
- Phyllanthus acidus
- Physalis alkekengi
- Pineapple plant
- Pink tomato
- Piper retrofractum
- Pitanga plant
- Pithecellobium dulce
- Plum tree
- Pomegranate tree
- Pomelo tree
- Poncirus trifoliata
- Ponderosa lemon tree
- Prickly pear
- Psidium friedrichsthalianum
- Psidium guajava
- Pulasan
- Pumpkin plant
- Purple guava
- Purple raspberry
- Purple tomato
- Quararibea cordata
- Quince tree
- Quinoa plant
- Rabbiteye blueberry
- Rambutan tree
- Raspberry plant
- Red currant plant
- Red guava
- Red kuri squash
- Red Mulberry
- Red raspberry plant
- Riberry
- Ribes aureum
- Ribes magellanicum
- Ribes punctatum
- Ribes sanguinium
- Ribes speciosum
- Rose apple tree
- Rubus caesius
- Rubus parvifolius
- Rubus phoenicolasius
- Rubus tricolor
- Sabal palmetto
- Saguaro
- Salak plant
- Santa Rosa plum
- Sapodilla
- Satsuma orange
- Sea grape plant
- Sichuan pepper
- Solanum aethiopicum
- Sour cherry tree
- Star apple
- Stenocereus pruinosus
- Strawberry guava
- Strawberry Mara des bois
- Strawberry plant
- Strawberry Spinach
- Stuffer tomato
- Sugar apple
- Sumac tree
- Sunberry
- Sweet cherry tree
- Sweet dumpling squash
- Sweet lime tree
- Sweet pepper
- Syzygium australe
- Syzygium cordatum
- Syzygium cumini
- Syzygium oleosum
- Syzygium paniculatum
- Tabasco pepper
- Tamarind tree
- Tangelo tree
- Tangerine tree
- Tayberry
- Terminalia catappa
- Theobroma bicolor
- Thimbleberry
- Tomatillo
- Tomato plant
- Tomato tree
- Ugli fruit tree
- Vaccinium macrocarpon
- Vaccinium oxycoccos
- Vangueria infausta
- Vangueria madagascariensis
- Wampee
- Washingtonia palm
- Water apple
- Watermelon plant
- Wax apple
- Weeping mulberry
- West Indian raspberry
- White mulberry
- White Sapote
- White tomato
- Winter melon plant
- Yellow summer squash
- Yellow tomato
- Ylang ylang tree
- Ylang ylang vine
- Ziziphus mauritiana
- Zucchini plant