How to grow Camu Camu

Camu camu plant grow and care – shrub‎ or small tree of the genus Myrciaria also known as Camucamu or Myrciaria dubia, Camu camu plant perennial evergreen plant, used for edible fruit and also used as medical or as ornamental hedge plant, can grow in tropic, mediterranean or subtropical climate and growing in hardiness zone 11+.

Leaves are oval between light to medium green.

Flower color white with notable stamens, flowers grow on brown stems.

Camu camu fruits

Fruit peel color red-purple inside color is white-yellow with thick texture, the fruit size 2-4 cm, the amount of the fruits affected by the amount of trees in the area.

Camu camu for sale – Seeds or Plants to Buy

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How to grow Camu camu growing and care:

How to grow:
Wet land season, moist soil, slightly acidity soil, frost free, better that nothing won’t grow next to the plant,

How to care:
To keep acid soil (if it’s not natural) need to vinegar and pine mulch, put mulch on the soil, organic matter and humus few times a year, also fertilizer 3-4 times a year

What is the best way to start growing?
Plant / Seedling / Seed / Vegetative Reproduction

Is it necessary to graft or use vegetative reproduction?
No (but in vegetative reproduction better) air layer make the tree produce the fruits faster

Difficulties or problems when growing:

Planting season:
All year

Pests and diseases:

Pruning season:
All year

How to prune:
Infected and dead branches cut few cm before the damaged part, when design it as tree when the plant young need to cut all the little branches and to keep the main trunk, when design it as shrub cut the main trunk to encourage little stems to grow from the side

Size of the plant:
2-4 m 6.5-13 feet, possible to grow it small and it will bear fruits

Growth speed in optimal condition:
Slow growing

Water requirement:
Big amount of water

Light conditions in optimal condition for growing:
Full Sun

Is it possible to grow indoor as houseplant?

Growing is also possible in a planter /flowerpot / containers:

Blooming information

Bloom season:
Summer, autumn, winter

General information about the flower
White flowers with notable stamens, flowers grow on brown stems.

Pollination is done by:

Edible Fruits

Fruit harvest season:
Spring, summer, autumn

Fruits pests or diseases:
Birds, aphids

What can be done with big quantities of Camu camu fruits?
Eat raw, jam, juice

Work requirements on the fruit:
Cover the tree with net (just if the birds eat all the fruits)

How long does it take to bear fruit?
3-7 years

How to grow Camu camu seeds

Sowing requirement:
Fresh seeds the seeds lose their viability, rich soil, sunny location, high humidity, moist soil

Saving seeds until sowing:
Room temperature, dark and dry location

Sowing season:
Possible from spring to autumn but will be the best in spring to early summer, better to use fresh seeds so directly after the sow

Planting spacing:
Better plant each one in different pot because it’s easy to take care and then choose the best to transplant in the right location

Depth of Sowing:
2cm (1inche) from the top of the seeds

Conditions for seeds germinate:
Moist soil and full sun, peat soil and perlite or other light soil, humidity (better in green house or plastic box)

Watering requires for Seeds:
Average amount of water – keep the soil moist don’t let the soil dry, maybe put mulch to help to keep the moist of the soil

Germination time:
2 weeks to 1 month

Condition of seedling:
Seedling needs support of fertilizer with nitrogen in order to grow faster, weed free area and they will grow faster also sunny location and warm weather

Scientific name:

Myrciaria dubia

Alternative names: camucamu berry, Cacari, Camocamo

How to grow Camu Camu

Camu Camu fruits

Camu Camu


Blooming Seasons
  • Spring flowers
  • Summer flowers
  • Winter flowers
Edible Parts
  • Edible Fruit
Culinary uses
  • Eaten raw
  • Fruit
  • Ice pop & Ice cream plants
  • Jams
  • Juice
Flower colors
  • White flower
  • Mediterranean Climate
  • Subtropics Climate
  • Tropics Climate
Harvest Season
  • Autumn Harvest
  • Spring Harvest
  • Summer Harvest
Ornamental parts
  • Ornamental leaves
  • Ornamental plant
Plant growing speed
  • Slow growing plants
Plant life-form
  • Evergreen
  • Perennial plant
  • Tree
Plant Uses
  • Edible plants
  • Medical uses
  • Ornamental plants
Planting Season
  • Autumn Planting
  • Spring Planting
  • Summer planting
  • Winter planting
Plants sun exposure
  • Full sun Plants
Watering plants
  • Big amount of water
Hardiness zone
  • Hardiness zone 11
  • Hardiness zone 12
  • Hardiness zone 13

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