How to grow Syzygium cordatum

Syzygium cordatum grow and care – tree of the genus Syzygium also known as Water berry tree or Syzigium cordatum, Syzygium cordatum perennial evergreen plant grow for edible fruits, fragrant flowers and also used as ornamental plant as shade tree, can grow in tropic, mediterranean, subtropical climate and growing in hardiness zone 11, but with right overwinter care especially when the tree young can grow in hardiness zone 10b+

Leaves green in oval shape, the leaves are shiny and when the leaf is young it grow in red color.

Flower fragrance, color white with multiple stamen like needle and the flowers grow in clusters.

Syzygium cordatum edible fruits

Fruit color is purple-black, the fruit taste sweet with astringent

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How to grow Syzygium cordatum growing and care:

Better than 10C(50F) when the tree is young it’s more sensitive to the cold, organic material, rich soil, when the trees young better to cover with mulch

What is the best way to start growing?
Plant / Seed / Air layer

Is it necessary to graft or use vegetative reproduction?
No, but if the fruit tasteless and it might happened graft on tree better cultivars

Difficulties or problems when growing:
The seeds grow too easily and can be invasive in the garden

How to plant:
Dig a hole as deep as the current root ball plus extra 30-50%, put in the hole organic matter, hummus and dried leaves and mix it with some soil, put the tree and loos little bit the root ball above the hole, plant the tree, cover it and don’t push the soil too much strong but not too much lightly because it won’t be stable, after this put mulch and dead leaves on the soil to keep moist on soil, put water every day for the next two weeks (better in the morning) , better to take care that the tree will be stable, and if not support it with bamboo or a stick that it won’t fall.

Planting season:
Spring to summer in hardiness zone 10b, spring to autumn, hardiness zone 11, all year hardiness zone 12+

Pests and diseases:
Aphids, ants

Pruning season:
Autumn to winter and also possible after the fruit season

How to prune:
For design and easy fruit pickup

Size of the plant:
7-15 m, 21-45 feet

Growth speed in optimal condition:
Fast growing / Medium growing

Water requirement:
Average amount of water / Big amount of water

Light conditions in optimal condition for growing:
Full Sun

Is it possible to grow as houseplant?

Growing is also possible in a planter /flowerpot / containers:
Yes, in containers need to keep the plants small, start with pot that will be 20-50% more than the root ball, bigger the plant smaller the percentage, every time that the tree arrive to full capacity need to switch to bigger until arrives to desirable size, better to use this method because the soil lose the viability over time and it’s efficient of care for the tree, when the plant big need to switch part of the soil, drainage it’s important and need to make holes and to use peat soil and maybe some lava grit in the bottom or something like that, put a bottom for the container and when water the plant let it fill the bottom but also need to dry in the same day

Blooming information

Bloom season:

General information about the flower
White flowers with multiple stamen like needle, the flowers grow in clusters,

Pollination is done by:

Edible fruits

Fruit harvest season:
Spring / early summer

Fruits pests or diseases:
Birds, fruit fly

What can be done with big quantities of Syzygium cordatum fruits?
Eat raw, alcohol, jams

Work requirements on the fruit:
Nothing special

How long does it take to bear fruit?
2-4 years

Ripening of fruit
Require to eat it fully ripen cause the fruit astringent

Scientific name:

Syzygium cordatum

How to grow Syzygium cordatum

Syzygium cordatum tree care

Syzygium cordatum tree

Syzygium cordatum


Blooming Seasons
  • Spring flowers
Edible Parts
  • Edible Fruit
Culinary uses
  • Eaten raw
  • Fruit
  • Ice pop & Ice cream plants
  • Jams
  • Juice
Flower colors
  • White flower
  • Mediterranean Climate
  • Subtropics Climate
  • Tropics Climate
Harvest Season
  • Spring Harvest
  • Summer Harvest
Leaf color
  • Red leaves
Ornamental parts
  • Ornamental flower
  • Ornamental leaves
  • Ornamental plant
Plant growing speed
  • Average growing plants
  • Fast growing plants
Plant life-form
  • Evergreen
  • Perennial plant
  • Tree
Plant Uses
  • Colored leaves
  • Fragrance
  • Ornamental plants
Planting Season
  • Autumn Planting
  • Spring Planting
  • Summer planting
Plants sun exposure
  • Full sun Plants
Watering plants
  • Big amount of water
  • Regularly water
Hardiness zone
  • Hardiness zone 10
  • Hardiness zone 11
  • Hardiness zone 12
  • Hardiness zone 13

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