Shade tree – category that provide the trees that make shade, some shade tree can grow also as small tree, for all the Plant Uses
Shade tree – list of plants that create shade in the garden
- Acer palmatum
- Allspice
- Bael
- Baobab tree
- Bignay tree
- Black sapote
- Bombax ceiba
- Bougainvillea tree
- Brachychiton
- Brachychiton acerifolius
- Brachychiton discolor
- Brachychiton rupestris
- Breadfruit
- Calabash Tree
- Candlenut tree
- Carob tree
- Cashew tree
- Ceiba pentandra
- Coral tree
- Crimson bottlebrush
- Crimson king maple
- Delonix elata
- Delonix regia
- Drimys winteri
- Empress tree
- Ficus auriculata
- Ficus benghalensis
- Ficus benjamina
- Ficus lyrata
- Fig tree
- Ginkgo biloba
- Grevillea
- Grevillea baileyana
- Grevillea robusta
- Horse chestnut
- Ice cream bean
- Incense cedar
- Italian stone pine
- Jacaranda mimosifolia
- Kigelia
- Koelreuteria elegans
- Kola nut
- Lagunaria patersonii
- Macadamia Nut
- Magnolia grandiflora
- Mammea americana
- Mango tree
- Marula tree
- Melaleuca huegelii
- Melia azedarach
- Norfolk island pine
- Pecan tree
- Peltophorum dubium
- Peltophorum pterocarpum
- Picea omorika
- Picea torano
- Pinus mugo
- Podocarpus
- Populus alba
- Quararibea cordata
- Sweet chestnut
- Tamarisk
- Tamarix aphylla
- Tamarix parviflora
- Teak tree
- Terminalia catappa
- Thuja occidentalis
- Tilia europaea
- Walnut tree
- Weeping bottlebrush
- Weeping Willow
- White mulberry
- Yew tree