Grow Plants

Pelargonium vancouver centennial

Pelargonium vancouver centennial grow and care – shrub‎ of the genus Pelargonium also known as Zonal Pelargonium, Pelargonium vancouver centennial perennial evergreen or annual used as fragrant ornamental plant, can grow in subtropics, mediterranean, tropics or temperate climate and grow in hardiness zone 9+ as perennial and 2+ as annual.

Pelargonium vancouver centennial leaves

Leaves color can be: green, red, yellow, white, the shape can be round, heart, lobed to deeply lobed, the edge of the leaf can be: entire, serrate or undulate.

Flower color can be: red, white, purple, pink more than one color, five petals the flowers grow in clusters like an umbel

Pelargonium vancouver centennial for sale – Seeds or Plants to Buy

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