Ground covers for sun

Ground covers for sun – If you want to fill in the gaps in your garden, whether it is small or large, these are some ornamental plants to build your

Ground covers plants for sun:

Angelonia angustifolia

Angelonia angustifolia, also known as Angelonia angelface, is a perennial evergreen or deciduous in cold climate. This plant requires hot weather and well-drained soil, and does well when planted during spring. It is slow to medium growing and requires a full sun and only a small amount of water to thrive. Its leaves are spear to elliptic in shape and its flowers can be purple or white in color.


Known as Bellflower plant, Campanula is a popular ornamental plant with its flower growing at the end of the stem in bell shape. Color varies from purple, blue, pink, white or red. In order to thrive, Campanula needs a cold weather, full sun to half shade, and moist but well drained soil. This is a medium to fast growing plant and can sometimes be invasive that is why it is not possible to make an indoor plant out of it.

Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi

A succulent sub shrub that is usually used as ornamental ground cover, Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi grows in drained soil. It is slow growing and enjoys full sun to half shade in order to grow well. The leaves of this plant are round and green with some varieties having red or white colors on the edges. While the flower are red bell shaped that grows on the stems in clusters. This can be planted on almost any time of the year except during the winter.


Also known as Fig Marigold, Mesembryanthemum is a sub shrub succulent that is used as an ornamental ground cover. Usually flashy, its leaves are green, red or both and may grow in cone, linear or oval shape. Its flower is flat with multi petals and comes in purple, yellow, pink, peach, orange, red, white or more than one color. A hot weather and well drained soil are the main requirements in growing Mesembryanthemum. It is fast growing and may become invasive.

Sedum aurora

Sedum aurora is a perennial evergreen sub shrub succulent that is used as ornamental. This is a drought tolerant plant and can grow in Mediterranean, desert, subtropics climate or as houseplant. The leaf of this plant is usually light green to red, orange or pink and is fleshy, oval shaped growing into a rosette shape. A yellow flower in crown shape grows at the end of the branch in clusters. It requires more than -2 degrees Celsius and drained soil to grow a Sedum aurora. It is slow-growing and fragile but can be planted all year round.

Creeping thyme

This is a sub shrub perennial evergreen plant that is used as a fragrant plant. It can grow temperate or Mediterranean climate. Creeping thyme leaves are elliptic with a pointed top and sized 5-18mm. Some cultivars may have yellow edges on its leaves. Its buds are edible and its flowers are small, purple or pink in color, and grow on the stalk in inflorescence. To grow creeping thyme, you must select a well draining soil and plant it during the spring or autumn when it is still warm. It is a medium growing plant and may be invasive if not pruned properly.

Creeping Raspberry

Creeping raspberry is a perennial deciduous plant that is also used as an ornamental plant for ground cover. Its leaves are purple and turn to green as they mature and are characterized with five lobes and a round shape. The creeping raspberry flowers are white in color and grow in clusters. While the fruit of this plant is orange or yellow with semi hairs, it also assembles small cells and forms a round shape. You will need a well-drained rich soil to grow a creeping raspberry and a lot of space for it to bear a good quantity of fruits.

Lantana montevidensis

Also known as the “trailing lantana”, this plant can either be a creeping vine or a sub shrub. It is often used as an ornamental plant because it is perennial evergreen but may become deciduous during the frost. Its elliptic shaped leaves usually are 2-4cm in size and the plant has thorns. Lantana flowers may be purple or white with yellow white dots in the inner part and they usually grow in clusters. It is easy to grow as it has no special requirement for planting, but keep in mind that its fruit is poisonous and the plant may become aggressive and invasive.


Vinca is commonly known as “Periwinkle plant”. It is a sub shrub vine that is used as an ornamental and medical plant and can grow in tropics, Mediterranean, desert, subtropics or temperate climate. The leaves of this plant are waxy and oval in shape. Periwinkle flowers can be white, pink, blue or purple in color with a little star in the middle. There are five petals forming a lobe shape in each flower. It is best to plant a Vinca during the spring and usually grows well in well drained soil.

Carpobrotus edulis

Known as Ice plant, Carpobrotus edulis is a succulent creeping sub shrub that is drought tolerant. It is usually used as an ornamental plant and has edible, fleshy leaves. Its flowers have multi petals in pink or yellow-purple. It fruit is green fig shaped and is also edible. You can plant a carpobrotus all year round in any season, just make sure it gets full sun in order to thrive well.
