Cyclamen graecum grow and care – geophyte leaf plant of the genus Cyclamen and also known as Greek cyclamen, Cyclamen graecum perennial deciduous plant, used as ornamental plant, can grow in mediterranean, subtropical, temperate climate or indoor as houseplant and growing in hardiness zone 9-10.

Leaves color dark to light green with white the structure of the color is changed between the cultivars, the shape of the leaf is heart shape

Cyclamen graecum flower

Flower color can be: white to pink, flowers have 5 petals, bend up and create like cup structure, the petals can be in varieties of shapes with twist.

Cyclamen graecum for sale – Seeds or Plants to Buy

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How to grow Cyclamen graecum growing and care:

Well-drained soil, clean from weeds area

How to care:
Add fertilizer once a year, in cold winter better to take the bulb in the winter and plant in the spring and in hot summer without enough cold temperature pullout in the summer and plant in the autumn and storage the bulb in refrigerator in dry and dark location

What is the best way to start growing?
Plant / Seeds / Vegetative Reproduction (tubers (bulbs))

How to propagate by tuber:
Divide the bulbs need to be in the dormant season and better 2-4 after dormant, to know that the plant ready for division need to check that the plant have more than one source for the leaves growing (nub) and it’s mean that if there is only one location of growing better not to separate or to cut, when cut the bulb need to use sterile knife and plant it in sterile soil, better plant it back 2 weeks before the planting season and to let it heal outside of the soil.

Is it necessary to use vegetative reproduction?
No, but harder to start from seeds and takes few years for blooming, from tuber it’s easier and faster

Difficulties or problems when growing:
Tuber might die in too many summer rains without good drainage

Recommended planting season?

How to plant:
Dig hole bigger that the root ball 50-100%, check that the soil without rocks, put organic matter and humus, after establish add fertilizer

How to plant the tubers:
Planting tubers in rich soil, better to dig hole bigger than the tuber 100-300% to check that soil if rock free, put organic matter, humus, water it that the soil be moist until the plant start to grow, the bulbs be above the soil

Pests and diseases:
Cyclamen mite, slugs for seedling

Pruning season:
All season, but better after blooming season

How to prune:
Dead leaves and dead parts of the bulb

Size of the plant:
5-10 cm, 2-4 inches

Growth speed in optimal condition:
Medium growing / Slow growing

Water requirement:
Small amount of water to average amount of water – depend the drainage of the soil and the amount of rains

Light conditions in optimal condition for growing:
Half Shade / Full Shade

Is it possible to grow indoor as houseplant?

How to care indoor:
When growing indoor important to check that there is enough light in order to get flowers also the temperature need to be cool in order to set flowers, do not locate next to heaters that will effect on the growth and might won’t bloom.

Problems indoor care:
Not blooming possible from temperature that not fit indoor or not enough fertilizer

Growing is also possible in pots, planter, flowerpot or containers:
Yes, when growing in container the plant (with one bulb can grow in 0.5-2L (1.3 gallon) depend the size of the bulb, well-drained soil and better to use potting mix or something similar, every few years need to check the soil that it’s still viable and if not take care of the soil by washing the old soil and put new also to keep the tuber possible in the dormant season to take them out of the soil, in order to get flowers after a lot years need to check that the roots system not fill all the planter, if it’s full need to reduce that amount of plants or change to bigger pots

Blooming information

Bloom season:

General information about the flower:
5 petals flower in white to pink, bend up and create like crown structure, the petals can be twist in the top.

Pollination is done by:

Scientific name:

Cyclamen graecum


Blooming Seasons
  • Autumn flowers
  • Summer flowers
  • Winter flowers
Flower colors
  • Pink flower
  • White flower
  • Mediterranean Climate
  • Subtropics Climate
  • Temperate Climate
Leaf color
  • White leaves
Ornamental parts
  • Ornamental flower
  • Ornamental leaves
  • Ornamental plant
Plant growing speed
  • Average growing plants
  • Slow growing plants
Plant life-form
  • Deciduous
  • Geophyte
  • Leaf plant
  • Perennial plant
Plant Uses
  • Colored leaves
  • Indoor plants
  • Ornamental plants
Planting Season
  • Autumn Planting
  • Winter planting
Plants sun exposure
  • Full sun Plants
  • Part shade Plants
  • Shade Plants
Watering plants
  • Regularly water
  • Small amounts of water

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