Drimiopsis maculata grow and care – leaf plant geophyte succulent of the genus Drimiopsis also known as Leopard plant, Drimiopsis maculata perennial evergreen used as ornamental drought tolerant plant, can grow in subtropics, mediterranean, desert climate or as houseplant and growing in hardiness zone 9-12.
Leaves color green with darker green or purple spot the spoon shape and pointed in the edge.
Drimiopsis maculata flowers
Flower color white in ball shape the flowers grow in inflorescence on stems.
Drimiopsis maculata for sale – Seeds or Plants to Buy
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How to grow Drimiopsis maculata growing and care:
Better frost free but can survive frost, well-drained soil
What is the best way to start growing?
Plant / Seed / Vegetative reproduction – possible by daughter plant need to wait until 3 leaves and transplant to new location, cutting take leaves better in the base of the leaf.
Is it necessary to use vegetative reproduction?
No, but easier to start from daughter plant
Difficulties or problems when growing:
Poisonous the leaves and the plant
Planting season:
Spring, summer, autumn
Pests and diseases:
Aphids, snails, slugs
Pruning season:
All year
How to prune:
Dead leaves
Size of the plant?
15-30 cm, 6-12 inches
Growth speed in optimal condition:
Slow growing, and in cold climate will be in dormant over the winter
Water requirement:
Small amount of water – let it dry between watering and do not over water
Light conditions in optimal condition for growing:
Full shade – prefer shade with light, when grow in half shade better morning, full sun in colder area in warmer area will burn in summer
Is it possible to grow indoor as houseplant?
Yes, with light grow well
Drimiopsis maculata indoor care:
Plant need light in order to grow might need little sun in order to bloom, also when grow indoor need to care for the soil, sandy soil and well ventilated soil, little organic matter possible to put some lava grit in the bottom to better drainage, fertilizer can be switched by small amount of humus or organic matter, watering indoor need to be small amount but if it’s next to air condition or heater need to check soil more frequently, might effect if the leaves are not get enough water it is possible to see this on the leaves, the leaves will tend down and start to weep in this case need to pour water soon as possible after watering to wait little bit and to take the water out that won’t stay in the bottom of the pot.
Growing is also possible in a planter /flowerpot / containers:
Yes, In container important to take care of the drainage of the soil by choosing the right soil
Blooming information
Bloom season:
Most of the year in hardiness zone 12, hardiness zone 10b-11 bloom in spring to autumn, hardiness zone 9-10a bloom in spring to summer, it doesn’t mean that it will bloom all season it’s just might bloom
General information about the flower
Ball flowers in white, flowers grow in inflorescence on stems
Scientific name:
Drimiopsis maculate
Alternative names: Ledebouria maculate, Little white soldiers
Blooming Seasons |
Flower colors |
Climate |
Leaf color |
Ornamental parts |
Plant growing speed |
Plant life-form |
Plant Uses |
Planting Season |
Plants sun exposure |
Watering plants |
Hardiness zone |