Miracle fruit seeds for sale – Not easy plant to grow with edible fruits, also grown for the ornamental leaves, planting all year, better to buy plant or another option to start from seeds yet more challenging.
Miracle fruit seeds – information before buying:
Growing information: perennial plant, growing hardiness zone: 13+, but mostly grown as house plant, water needed – small amount and high humidity, light conditions – full shade, height: 1-2.5 m, 40-100 inches.
Blooming in the summer to autumn in bowl shaped flowers that appear in white color.
Fruit harvesting in the autumn to winter in elliptic shaped flowers that appear in red color.
Alternative names: Synsepalum dulcificum, Miracle berry, Miraculous berry, Sweet berry
Miracle fruit seeds for sale – Seeds or plants
Miracle fruit seeds for sale – How to sow Miracle seeds?
Miracle fruit seeds for sale
Miracle seeds are short life seeds:
- Clean the seeds from fruit left over
- Soak the seeds in water (not must(
- Sowing season direct after get the seeds
- Each fruit plant different pot
- Put the seeds 1.5 cm from the top
- Conditions: Humidity 80%, 29C day 24C night, shade, sterile soil, acid soil
- Watering Small amount
- Seeds germinate 3-16 weeks
- After 6 leaves need to exposure to more sun
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